Friday 11 May 2012

Day 235

Hello everyone!

The past couple of months have been super busy and very hard, so I will try and summarize as not to bore anyone!

We are now half way through our Modular A course, and I am honestly so thankful that I am taking part in it because it is so good for me. We have gone over so many topics and I know that I have changed for the better in so many ways. God is good!

We went on vacation to the Great Barrier Reef, Which was incredible! I went scuba diving on the reef, and I got to see a shark! The little town we stated in was gorgeous, and it was my friends first plane ride which was very exciting for her. I also went on vacation over Easter with a family that lives here. They are incredible people and they have made it so much harder for me to leave! I got to go hunting and spend a week in a lovely house on a property near the snowy mountains.

Right now I we are going through my last Modular A school before I return home and it is going to be so sad to see everyone go! Also this Sunday is mothers day and it will be the first one not spent with my mother.

Now in saying that I am very close to coming home and I actually leave the Ellel base on the 8th of June. I will spend a week at the house of some friends that I have met here just resting before my flight.

Thank you so much for everything, all of the donations and the prayer support! I know that it meant so much as far as how well I did here. I have grown in ways that I thought I never would.

Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. - Luke 2:52